I met some cult members who worshiped soup serving utensils. I said, 'Oh ye of ladle faith.'

Throwback -2004

At what point did apathy become so embraced and nurtured as the societal norm?

How did it become so trivial, and as a result, acceptable?

Jesus called His disciples without explanation or even elaboration. I can picture them relaxing in their boat, hearing some stranger yell to them, requesting that they follow him. I can hear their response; “So, how long are we going be gone?” or maybe; “Um, what should I pack? Do you have a list?" But all Jesus really had to say to them was “Follow me.”

I’m sure they had doubts. Who wouldn’t? That doubt however, didn’t become an excuse for the pursuit to end, but a means by which authenticity was challenged.

So why do we so frequently allow doubt to become a threat to what we consider “sincere faith”?

Isn’t doubt necessary for a radical faith to exist at all? Shouldn’t we encourage those who doubt to challenge it? Do we think God is nervous that someone or something will come out on top as more valid in the end?

Peter saw Jesus walking on the water and not only asked Him to who He was, but challenged his own disbelief by requesting that he too walk on the water with him. The real boldness comes when he actually follows through and defies the rules of human existence and walks on the surface of the water towards Jesus. Even experiencing first hand this wonder of God revelation, however, Peter still wavered and became scared, crying out for Jesus to save him.

Jesus was still right there to pick Peter up. Peter was now rebuked, ashamed, but still in total awe.

What has happened to that sense of awe? Have we become so consumed with this intellectual pursuit that we forget to fall on our faces before our creator, simply because He exists?

I remember years ago when I was tucking in my little sister for bed, my eight-year-old brother Jacob had climbed up on the bunk bed behind me. Just as I had finished saying goodnight to my sister, I heard a voice behind me yell“ Hey Ian!” As I turn around, I see my little brother leaping from the top bunk in my general direction, in full flying-squirrel glory. I do my best to position myself to catch him, but can only manage to serve as a body in the way to cushion his fall toward floor.

In a bit of a frazzled state of shock I ask Jacob, who is now lying on top of me, clearly having the time of his life, what on earth he was doing jumping from the top bunk when I wasn’t even looking. And he looked right at me, unaware that he was ever in any danger and said, “Because I knew you’d catch me, Eenie.”

As sentimental as this may sound, that is exactly the kind of “child-like faith” of radical repulsion for apathetic living that I deeply long for. To be able to jump into my Father’s arms, even when it doesn’t logically fit into the constraints of my human mind or reasoning, simply because He said, “Follow me”. To not be so consumed by the rationale surrounding my decisions, but rather the indisputable assurance that I am running after His will, whether it makes sense or not.

I'm so challenged by the words of C.S. Lewis:

"Our passions are not too strong, they are too weak. We are far too easily pleased."
- C.S. Lewis

Every breath of air that we breathe is God delighting in us. How can I continue to live in apathy a moment further with such Truth within my understanding?

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